why I love apple picking sessions // black and white
You can’t possibly get more PNW than this. Apple picking with your sweet fam.
Early fall is the time for picking apples in Washington. Big, delicious juicy apples, fresh off the tree. There is nothing like it.
I have so many pictures of sweet babies and kids chompin on that HUGE apple straight from the tree. They are so delicious and so fun to pick with your favorite people in all the land.
Planning my mini sessions around an activity is KEY to getting real-life family photos in a short time frame. Let me tell you this. Documentary family photography takes WORK and time. But the way I run my mini sessions allows me to maximize on a shorter session with you and still make those real-life photos.
One of the key players in this is the fact that we have a planned activity. The kids get focused on the task of picking apples and completely forget about me and my camera. It works like a charm. BOOM. They get into the zone of totally being themselves, engaging with you in a real way, spending time together just like any other day. And there I am, documenting the whole thing.
To my sweet families who have enjoyed picking apples together at my apple orchard fall mini sessions,
THANK YOU for spending time together, in front of my lens. Thank you for being your authentic selves when I am photographing you and trusting me to capture it. You are what makes this job so great.
As for the rest of you, these apples are seriously so good. Let’s go pick some together!
Love your photographer,